Admire Mad Fan (Adam Friedman)

Creative Strategist
Inspiration: “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus facilisis mollis nunc, a ornare odio vehicula quis. Nulla vel luctus velit. Nulla facilisi. Nulla volutpat.”-Adam Friedman
My Song For You: [cincopa AcDAKp7fI1ci]
Job Search – Keeping Motivated
Getting your next job ideally is a seamless experience, ideally stepping from one to the next challenge. But at some stage in our lives it might not work so smoothly and I know through talking with a number of you, there are some dark days of self doubt. Some uncertainty on the inexorable path to the next challenge, which isn’t happening fast enough for you. So note the following:
Remember, on a ‘challenging day when you are your less enthusiastic self, when the job hunt is grinding you down, or for that matter the unreasonable client, it is your energy last week/month that makes things happen for you; This is the reason for the phone call you get on the challenging day that brings about the great connection, thought, meeting or interview you really want.
Progression comes from your energy focused on pursuing new contacts, developing new ideas/solving business problems, writing a new blog, attending a meet up. It is when you drove yourself forward, perhaps apprehensively, somewhat lacking in confidence but you did anyway.
So even when you are feeling less than motivated, remember it is not about one off days but a general persistency and consistency of initiative on your part. It is about the totality of energy you put out. And, if you are energetic enough (albeit in a focused way) there will be a natural flow of activity and fewer challenging days.
Let me know what yu would advise individuals to do to keep themselves motivated. Thanks, S