About Us
Executive Search for Strategists

Stuart Parkin
SPARKIN is an affiliated group focusing on identifying and developing strategic talent. We have three decades of marketing, agency, and client-side experience.
SPARKIN was founded by Stuart Parkin, who worked in the agency business and then for the last twenty years has consulted to and worked with many of the top agency brands in the United States and overseas.
Stuart is a Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Marketing, has a Masters’ degree in Organizational Psychology, and writes frequently for the marketing industry. An author of a best-selling novel and several works of poetry and prose, he most recently published a book ‘Discovering Hope,’ 100 pages of proactive steps to positive thinking. His next book, ‘Getting Positive’ is soon to be released.
Born in the Middle East, growing up in the United Kingdom, and having worked the last 25 years in Tokyo, Sydney, and New York where he is based, whilst a citizen of multiple countries, Stuart considers himself a global kid. Curious and adventure-seeking, he is typically on the road, more often than not, in Africa. While his quest to visit the remaining 14 countries he hasn’t visited is great, his biggest passion is on promoting the importance of empathy in the world. Travel, particularly to unrelated cultures he believes, is one of the best facilitators of empathetic development. This and outright advocacy.
To this end, he has developed multiple scholarships in the U.S.A and the UK in both the advertising/marketing industry and beyond.
The Parkin Empathy Award
The Parkin Empathy Award is given to the strategist with the most consistent display of emotional intelligence. Strong empathetic ability in combination with a strong IQ will make for the most impactful problem solvers. But more than simply’ enhanced problem-solving ability, the award seeks to acknowledge those that reveal a genuine ability to empathize and then use this understanding to help the progression of others.