2020 – Job Security and Success
In a perfect world you would enjoy most of your working day but for as many as 60% (Gallup 10/19), this is far from true. If you consistently don’t like more of your working day than you like, the salary and/or experience you’re getting really need to be worthwhile to justify staying in the job.
It’s not rocket science. There’s a strong correlation between enjoying what you do and job retention. In truth, if you like what you do, you may well be good at it or at least, motivated to achieve task mastery and therefore show up, more energetic and enthusiastic than your peers.
For strategic planners, 2020 presents much opportunity but the uncertainty pervading the advertising and marketing worlds is palpable. A volatile business in-the-midst of structural change, with a short term ‘P&L’ focus, with jobs added and removed at the margins as business is won and lost, should ensure the safety of strategy roles, but this very often is sadly, not the case.
I’ve spoken with several talented strategists who have recently lost their jobs. If they are so talented why are they losing out?
- There are no guarantees in business and the chances are at some point, (law of averages) you will be laid off.
- Factors beyond your control – The new boss, the new competitor, client cut- backs.
- Strategy is misunderstood and/or undervalued in your agency.
What can you do to minimize your chances of being laid off and to be a career success. As we roll forward into the new year and decade, a few thoughts.
i) Business mindset – Be aware how and where the agency or business you work for makes money even if it’s not your role to do so.
ii) Keep close to the money – Keep a close handle on the client relationship. Be aware of how the client makes money so you can help them and so enhance their loyalty to the agency/you.
iii) Multi-Skilled – The more you can contribute the easier to deploy, the more valuable.
iv) Team Player – Work closely with (and in the development of) others and be open to performing multiple tasks.
v) New Business – The security for all business is sales/new business, particularly where business retention is poor. Get involved in making business growth happen, new or existing.
vi) Leadership – Keep near to it and so close to the pulse of the agency and what’s happening.
vii) Fame – ‘Be famous!’ Be known for doing something extremely well. I.e.) Make yourself irreplaceable. Easier said than done. It takes time so start now!
There isn’t 100% job security for most people, employed or self-employed. So, the more aware you are of the value exchange, yours and how the agency provides value in relation to where the client makes money, the greater chance you have of not simply keeping a job but thriving in it.
For more background on this article see newsletters with links attached in the sparkin search website.
Wishing all, a happy and successful year ahead.