Congratulations Jules Shindel,the 19th recipient of the Derek Parkin Award of $1500 (plus $500 coaching).
The award goes to the most empathetic account planning graduate. Judged by the students (at Miami Ad School New York) on the course as well as the teachers, teaching the course, not the school, not me.
Of the 19 winners to date, 10 woman, 9 men.
#MiamiAdSchool #ParkinPrizeWinner #Empathy #AccountPlanningBootcamp#LifeSkills #EmotionalIntelligence #UberTeamPlayer #ParticipantsDecide#ParkinAward #Winner #Passionate #CareerOptimisation #Advertising#SparkinCoaching #Careers #KnowYourAudience #ActionNotWords#ConnectWithPeople #BetterLife #LifeSkills #Inspire #SparkinSearch#CreativeStrategy #AccountPlanning #StrategicRelationships #CoreSkills#Mentoring #LifeSkills #Action #LearnByExample#CreativeRelationshipBuilding #Planning #OthersFirst #Service #GiveBack #BigHeartAward #Diversity #Meritocracy #Inclusive
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