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Why Personal Branding Is Key For You

Optimizing career opportunities –

What is a brand if not something that ‘solves a problem’ you have or in some way helps you to take a step toward the life that you want? Above all else the key words we all want to experience with any product or service we acquire are, ‘rely on.’ And, great brands are the most reliable and have great reputations.

In the world of entertainment, you can rely on the ‘The Rolling Stones’ to rock your world. Similarly in the sporting world, Roger Federer can be relied on to provide a tennis masterclass. In turn, ‘The Stones’ and ‘Federer’s reputations are leveraged by food, cosmetics, apparel and beverage companies, amongst others, to amplify the reputations of those company’s products and services.

Despite people obviously acting as brands, some in the advertising world are queasy about the idea of ordinary individuals ‘acting’ to promote themselves believing it to be borderline narcissism. Business and brands products don’t rely on word of mouth and actively shout, ‘look what we have,’ ‘consider us,’ ‘we can help you.’ We don’t think of this as narcissistic as those entities are providing something that might have value to others. And this is key. Making others aware of a skill you have that can help them, is not seeking attention for attentions sake, which is narcisscim.

Key Considerations for You Thinking Like a Brand

1. Seek Greater Recognition – Just because people (or products or services) are not famous for doing something well, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t act with the intent of achieving greater recognition. That’s simply good business!

2. Great Work Alone Is Not Enough – Great brands deliver compelling solutions but they don’t rely purely on third party recommendation – Doing great work should speak for itself. In theory great products or services should dominate; Word of mouth should be enough but smart companies don’t rely on it, and nor should you.

3. Tell Your Story – Long term career management is today atypical – As companies become progressively more transactional in their operations, in their hiring and firing of talent, so they become less focused on the development of your career. Unless you are fortunate to have a great boss or engaged HR team, it becomes imperative, for you to tell your story/ (as well as doing a great job)

4. Provide a differentiated offering – Telling a story is important, but telling one that showcases your ’adding value’ is key! Highlight what differentiates your expertise. Do something brilliantly and ideally something creative and unique.

5. Be consistent – In all matters relating to the delivery, aim to provide a consistency of service or product quality, whether providing the service as an employee or a business.

6. Non- believers of the ‘Personal Brand.’ – If you don’t believe you might benefit from thinking and building your brand, think instead about your reputation with others.

Reputation Management

A great reputation with others might be the difference between you getting or not getting an amazing career opportunity you’ve always wanted, so it’s key that you have a good one!

1 Understand the reputation you have and why you have it – Do you have a great reputation only because of what you do and those that have experienced it? Or,

2. Is your reputation stellar because of third party recommendation, because of those that have been told what you’ve done whilst not having experienced your product or service directly?

3. Shock News/Double whammy – Doing a great job combined with effective promotion is the double whammy that leads to an enhanced reputation. Companies build brands and businesses by doing both!

4. Great reputations lead to more work and more opportunities – If you can handle the fact that you have a reputation to manage, you may well be close to navigating the short stroll to acting like a brand.

For more reading on this subject check out the latest ‘Narrate’ –