2018 Miami Ad School Parkin Award
A fun reason to head down to Miami, to present the 18th Parkin Award of $1500 (plus $500 coaching).
Congratulations Rachel Eden!
The award goes to the most empathetic account planning graduate.
The award is judged by the students on the course as well as the teachers, teaching the course; (Not the school; Nor me)
Of the 18 winners to date, 9 woman, 9 men. Not planned, but in a truly inclusive world, this is how the numbers should be, or thereabouts!
#MiamiAdSchool #ParkinPrizeWinner #Empathy#AccountPlanningBootcamp
#LifeSkills #EmotionalIntelligence#UberTeamPlayer #ParticipantsDecide
#DerekParkinAward #Winner#Passionate #CareerOptimisation #Advertising
#SparkinCoaching #Careers#KnowYourAudience #ActionNotWords
#ConnectWithPeople #BetterLife #UnitedStates #Inspire #SparkinSearch
#CreativeStrategy#AccountPlanning #StrategicRelationships #CoreSkills #Mentoring